Thursday, 3 March 2011


this is about me Alin Afryssa

why i have a blog ? because when i was bored , i can write anythings i like on this blog ! if i felt very lonely , no one to talk , blog is the best things that's time for write ' I LONELY ' ! hahaha . with blog also i release my stress + my tension when i feel angry or hate someone ! HAHA ( evil ) . when i write in this my lovely blog , i can express my feelings or mood such as sad , excited , angry and so on ! HAHA  

ok i think enough only this . if you want to know more about me please don't shy or afraid to ask . i do not eat people ok or you want to make me as your friends or friends to hear your problem . . you can refer to me ok . (^_^) 

just add me at facebook to make me as your friends or formspring to ask . byebye ! love you babe ! muahx ! 

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