17 / 11 / 2010 ( WednesdaY )
people are really happy on this day except me . Today on 8.00 pm , my boyfie send me a message that he's very dissappointed with my attitudes .
this his conversation :
boyfie : alin . .
alin : yes my dear ?? i'm feeling very lonely . .
boyfie : sorry i'm little busy today .
alin : um . . i miss u !
boyfie : i miss u too . . but there is something that you do so I feel very sad . .
alin : sad ? why ?
boyfie : why you talk about Ikmal in your facebook . . ? all my friend said you cheated . . beginning , i dont believe what they talk until i saw it with my own eyes !
alin : i'm so sorry . . I have no intention want to cheat ! I have nothing with ikmal ! i just want to friends with him and no intention to make a relationshipship with him except as a friends !
boyfie : wow !! so easy u say i'm sorry ! huH !! i never feel angry like this !
alin : i'm sorry . . .
END ! who is ikmal ? ikmal is a student in smk dato' harun form 4 Global . i saw him on Tuesday ( 16 / 10 / 2010 ) when i want to go to ladies room . he's very cute and handsome boy !
so i call him . . i ask his name and his facebook email . . he's answered my question . . he answered " my name is ikmal from 4G and he give his facebook email " .
then i back home , i try to remind back he's email then when i search his email on facebook and the result is none . hurmm . .
end of the story . .
i very sad today . . . he's broke my heart . . can u please hear first what i want to say . . . :'(
I still have dignity and I just want to be friends with him only , no intention to cheat !
p/s : how to persuade him and told him it was just a misunderstanding . . . i need him in my life . .
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